20 October 2010


Here, we find ourselves nearly halfway through yet another semester at dear ol' Columbia College Chicago.

So far, this class has proven to fit my writing style far more than the average writing/english class.  I cannot describe to you how much I detest the usual trudgery (taking license to make up words) associated with writing drafts, revisions, essays, and journals on shit I quite honestly don't give a flying flog about.

I love that this class allows me to explore something that I'm actually interested in as opposed to writing about a given subject.  I think this has really benefited everyone's writing, along with the class discussions which come with it.

This style of writing forces me to think in a new way about writing, escaping from the confines of the "School Paper."  While I could, these days, write your typical Paper standing on my head, half-drunk, I prefer not to.  I'd much rather engage in a discussion with a group of intelligent peers (YOU!) and throw around concepts which actually have something to do with our future lives and careers.

I am having some trouble keeping up with posting, I feel I'm falling a bit behind.  While I could whine about how much work and stress I'm under, this is something everyone could complain about.  What it comes down to is needing to set aside time to really bite into this blog business.  Thankfully, all the time I've spent ignoring my blogs, I have spent producing work.


That means you all can look forward (or not) to multiple entries on my PWP in the coming week.

I'm still working out some design/layout/navigation kinks in my blogs.  I hope that these can be ironed out by, say, midterms.

Overall, I've found this class to be very refreshing and titillating.  Jeff, you're a wicked professor with a great sense of writing style and an effective way of communicating what we're supposed to be learning.  Keep it up!

Alright, kiddies.  Time to get back to this painting.


  1. I agree with you 100% that blogging has become a better way of writing. Was skeptical at first, but I think it's Jeff's style and our open class discussions that make it work. It lets us write how we would talk in normal conversation, which is absolutely great. I found the follow button now, thanx for fixing it.

  2. Blogging is certainly another animal. Let your appreciation for the freedom in this writing style bleed into the writing itself. What I mean is, you don't have to write in proper sentences, abide by the conventional grammatical restrictions, etc. You are unique so too should be your personal writing. All together good stuff.

  3. An honest post followed by a painting. Who could ask for more? (+)

